정경화 (Kyongwha Chung) / 대외협력위원(International Liaison Comm.) > 이사회(Council)

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대외협력 | 정경화 (Kyongwha Chung) / 대외협력위원(International Liaison Comm.)

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일23-04-20 00:15 조회1,812회 댓글0건


▶ 한국/미국변호사 / 커빙턴 & 벌링 LLP <br>
▶ SCL Korea 대외협력위원 / International Liaison Committee

Kyongwha acts as counsel and advisor for multinational corporate clients in complex engineering, construction and commercial disputes. She has significant experience in representing states and corporate clients in international arbitrations (both commercial and investment) under the ICSID, ICC, SIAC, HKIAC, KCAB, JCAA, and UNCITRAL rules and local arbitration acts in venues around the world. Kyongwha focuses on mega projects in the energy, infrastructure, industrial, and residential sectors. <br>
Kyongwha is a regular speaker and writer on various topics in construction law, international arbitration and investment treaty disputes. She serves as a faculty member of the academy on international construction projects run by Samsung C&T. Kyongwha co-authored the Korea chapter in the International Handbook on Commercial Arbitration edited by ICCA (2018) and the full-length treatise on arbitration in Korea, Arbitration Law of Korea: Practice and Procedure (Juris Publishing, 2012). She is a director of Korean International Mediation Center, on the Steering Committees of Korean Council for International Arbitration, Society of Construction Law Korea (International Liaison Sub-Committee), and the Rules Committee of the Asia Pacific Centre for Arbitration & Mediation. She frequently sits as an arbitrator and mediator.  <br>
Kyongwha received her law degrees (LL.B. and M.A.) from Korea University, her LL.M. from Harvard Law School where she received Roger Fisher and Frank E.A. Sander Prize for her LL.M. thesis, and has also completed coursework for Ph.D. program in International Investment Law at Seoul National University. Kyongwha is dual-qualified under Korea Bar and New York State Bar.  She is fluent in Korean, English and Italian.


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