안상효 (Sanghyo Ahn) / 학술위원 (Papers Committee) > 이사회(Council)

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학술 | 안상효 (Sanghyo Ahn) / 학술위원 (Papers Committee)

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일23-03-09 18:51 조회2,256회 댓글0건


▶ 부장, 건설법무학박사 / DL E&C <br>
▶ SCL Korea 학술위원 / Papers Committee  <br>

안상효 위원은 현재 DL E&C (구 대림산업)의 Contract Manager로 재직 중으로, 계약서 검토/협상, 계약관리, Change Order, 클레임, 분쟁, 중재 및 소송 등의 업무를 수행하고 있습니다.
인하대학교 공학학사, 충북대학교 글로벌건설엔지니어링(계약관리) 석사, 광운대학교 건설법무학박사이며 FIDIC Contract Module(0,1,2,4) 및 Project Sustainability Management, Quality Management에 대한 교육 인증을 받은 FIDIC Certified Engineer입니다.
삼성중공업을 시작으로 EPC Project의 Project Management 및 Contract Manager 업무를 15년간 수행하였고, 이후 DL E&C에서 계약관리팀 소속 Contract Manager로서 7년 등 약 20년이 넘는 업무 경험을 가지고 있습니다. 수행 프로젝트는 해외 MISC LNGC, BG LNGC, Shell Bonga FPSO, Shell Prelude FLNG, Kuwait SHF, Kuwait FCC, Russia OMSK, Russia AORC, Russia Vysotsk 그리고 국내 SK LNGC, YNCC NCC, S-OIL RUCP, 포승바이오매스, 당진/태안/신서천/북평화력발전, 울산복합화력, 울진 SGR 프로젝트 등 이며 선박, 해양플랜트, 발전, 화공 설비 등 다양한 프로젝트의 계약관리/클레임/중재 경험을 보유하고 있습니다. 또한 FIDIC, 계약관리, Change 업무, 분쟁사례 등에 관한 사내강사로 활동하고 있습니다.
Sanghyo Ahn is currently working as Contract Manager for DL E&C (formerly Daelim Industrial), especially performing of contract review/negotiation, contract management, change order, claim, dispute, arbitration and litigation.
He has Bachelor of Engineering at Inha University, Master of Global Construction Engineering (Contract Management) at Chungbuk National University, Ph.D. in Legal Affairs in Construction at Kwangwoon University and FIDIC certified engineer for education course of FIDIC Contract Module(0,1,2,4) and Project Sustainability Management, Quality Management.
He started works at Samsung Heavy Induestries in 2001 and perforrmed Project Management and Contract Management for lots of EPC projects for 15 years, and works additional 7 years at DL E&C as a Contract Manager  up to date, has a total of more than 20 years of Contract Management experience.  He has project records for MISC LNG, BG LNG, Shell Bonga FPSO, Shell Prelude FLNG, Kuwait SHF, Kuwait FCC, Russia OMSK, Russia AORC, Russia Vysotsk, SK LNG, YNCC NCC, S-OIL RUCP, Poseung Biomass, Dangjin/Taean/Sinseocheon/GSDEP Power Plant, Ulsan Combined Cycle Power Plant, Uljin SGR Project etc. and has experience in Contract Management/Claim/Arbitration in various projects such as Shipbuilding, Offshore Plant, Power Plant, Oil & Gas Plant etc.. He is also active as an in-house lecturer on FIDIC, Contract Management, Change Works, and case study of dispute.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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