편영준(Yeong Joon Pyeon)/홍보멤버쉽위원장(Publicity Committee Lead) > 이사회(Council)

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홍보멤버쉽 | 편영준(Yeong Joon Pyeon)/홍보멤버쉽위원장(Publicity Committee Lead)

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일21-03-12 15:10 조회7,217회 댓글0건


▶ Senior Director / FTI<br>
▶ SCL Korea 홍보멤버쉽위원장 / Publicity Committee Lead

해외건설분야 총 40년 경력 중 사우디, 러시아 및 태국 등 해외현장 근무 경험과 해외법무팀에서 16년 이상을 근무하며 IPP/ PPP 사업을 포함하는 해외 건축, 토목 및 플랜트 공사의 다양한 해외건설계약서 심사, 계약협상, 해외현장 현안 해결, 클레임 분석 및 협상 타결 지원 업무를 수행하였으며 현재는 컨설팅사인 FTI Consulting사에서 Senior Director로 근무하고 있음. <br>
□ 대한상사중재원 중재인<br>
□ 대한중재인 협회 이사

Domestic Relations Committee, Yeongjoon Pyeon, Head of committee, currently working at consulting firm providing Construction Solutions, has over 36 years of experience in the international construction industry, working at construction contractors in Korea. For the last 18 years he has worked in the legal department of a major Korean EPC Contractor and, as the head of overseas legal, led a team comprised of lawyers, engineers and claim consultants, principally engaged in reviewing ITB documents for international construction projects; providing legal/contractual advice; participating in contract negotiations; developing processes for IPP/PPP projects with contractor’s equity participation; and reviewing claims. YJ has broad experience in identifying and mitigating contractual risks, providing suitable business solutions in pursuit of commercial excellence, auditing contract and claim management systems established at project sites, and in the dispute resolution and litigation process.

YJ is has worked on a wide variety of projects in many countries and different sectors. He applied his international construction law knowledge and contract management skills to identify contractual issues that most complex projects are facing and suggested solutions to overcome the difficulties in number of ways available in the contracts. He is also capable of providing suitable business solutions in pursuit of commercial excellence, auditing contracts and claim management systems and advising clients in dispute resolution process.


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