이재성 (Jaesung Lee) / 대외협력위원(International Liaison Committee) > 이사회(Council)

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대외협력 | 이재성 (Jaesung Lee) / 대외협력위원(International Liaison Committee)

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일23-04-20 00:12 조회696회 댓글0건


▶ 파트너, 그룹장 / 딜로이트 안진 <br>
▶ SCL Korea 대외협력위원 / International Liaison Committee

Jaesung Lee is the Dispute Support group leading partner at Deloitte Korea. He is specialized in the field of application of legal technologies into dispute resolutions. From the on-site claim/dispute experience to the independent expert roles brings bring the dispute resolution procedure more efficient and effective across the construction sectors including, but not limited to, power generation, nuclear energy, high tech factory, off-shore EPC, and ship building.
Prior to Deloitte, Jaesung Lee served as the technical and expert advisor at Stephenson Harwood LLC; and as inhouse claim and/or commercial manager at Hyundai E&C.


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