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이사회(Council) 목록
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2 감사 김재경 (Jae Kyoung Kim) / 감사 (Audit) 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 03-12 5725

김재경 (Jae Kyoung Kim) / 감사 (Audit)

▶ 책임매니저 / 현대건설
▶ SCL Korea 감사 / Audit

현, 현대건설 ‘건축사업본부’ 책임매니저 재직
현, 현대건설 사상 최대 해외 빌딩공사에서 ‘Contracts Manager’로 근무
‘해외현장지원팀장’, ‘PRM팀장’, ‘공정클레임팀장’ 역임
26년 사내 경력 중 다수 국가에서 클레임, 분쟁 관리, 리스크 관리 업무수행
사내 전문 컨설턴트 과정 Technical Profession Programme(TPP) 이수
서울 소재 대학에서 ‘건설 계약 및 분쟁 관리’ 주제 강의 경력

Mr. Jae Kyoung Kim is a general manager of Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd. ("HDEC") and currently executes a role of 'Contracts Manager' in the recorded biggest building project in HDEC history. He had experienced 'leader' of various Headquarter teams, i.e. 'Overseas support team', 'Project Risk Management team', and 'Planning & Dispute resolution team'. Among 26 years of experience, he has various overseas project experiences, which includes litigation, arbitration, claim and risk management issues. Mr. Kim has qualified as the in-house consultant having gone through the Technical Profession Programme(TPP). He has carried several lectures for students of Universities in Seoul for the last few years, regarding the topic of 'Management of Project Contract and Dispute'.
1 감사 이호 (Ho Lee) / 감사 (Audit) 인기글첨부파일 최고관리자 03-12 6063

이호 (Ho Lee) / 감사 (Audit)

▶ 책임 / GS건설
▶ SCL Korea 감사 / Audit

Karbala Refinery Project, Iraq의 Deputy Project Manager로 근무중이며, 대림 엔지니어링, 대림산업 그리고 GS건설에서 25년 동안 재직하며 Project Engineer, Project Control Manager 그리고 Contracts Manager 업무를 담당하였음. Project Engineer 및 Project Control Manager로 근무하는 동안은 설계, 구매, 공사 그리고 시운전을 포함한 해외 Project의 전반적인 업무를 수행하였고, Contracts Manager 근무 중에는 계약서 검토 및 작성, 대 사업주 및 하도 업체 Claim 작성 및 방어 업무 그리고 2017년부터는 회사내 교육 과정인 “Contracts Management” 과정의 교재 개발 및 강의를 3년간 수행하였음. 최근 15년동안 수행한 Project는 Sohar Aromatics Project, Oman (USD 1.2 Bil., 2006 ~ 2009), Ruwais Refinery Expansion Project Pkg. #2, UAE (USD 3.2 Bil., 2010 ~ 2016), Petro Rabigh Turn Around Project, KSA (USD 138 Mil, 2019 ~ 2020) 그리고 Karbala Refinery Project, Iraq (USD 6 Bil., 2020 ~ 현재)임.

Mr. Ho Lee is currently working as a Deputy Project Manager for the Karbala Refinery Project, Iraq. During the last 25 years, he has been working in Daelim Engineering, Daelim Industrial and GS E&C and has been in charge of Project Engineer, Project Control Manager, and Contracts Manager.
While working as a Project Engineer and Project Control Manager, he performed the overall business of overseas projects including Engineering, Procurement, Construction, and Commissioning. Based on such experience, he has shown outstanding performance in the field of created and defended claims against business owners and subcontractors, and contract preparation and review when performing Contracts Manager.
In addition, based on this experience, for the “Contracts Management” course, an in-house training course, he has continued to develop textbooks and performed lectures since 2017.
He has conducted several project in the last 15 years including Sohar Aromatics Project, Oman (USD 1.2 Bil., 2006 ~ 2009), Ruwais Refinery Expansion Project Pkg. #2, UAE (USD 3.2 Bil., 2010 ~ 2016), Petro Rabigh Turn Around Project, KSA (USD 138 Mil, 2019 ~ 2020) and Karbala Refinery Project, Iraq (USD 6 Bil., 2020 ~ present).
게시물 검색

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